1·Compared with the individual physical resource units, the virtual can allocate resources in smaller units.
2·Embedded targets are often resource-constrained, and it can be difficult to allocate resources to debug the application on the target.
3·We hope OSPF not only enable to find out the shortest path from the origin node to the destination node but also has the ability to allocate resource of the whole network by extending.
4·In particular, a service registry or a workload manager could determine the most appropriate endpoint address in which to allocate this resource.
5·Drucker focuses on how to allocate time, because you can get more of almost any resource except time.
6·It's time consuming and resource intensive to allocate space to the hard drive, and so it is best to have that space readily available when it is needed.
7·The first resource they need to allocate is their own time.
8·An administrator decides how much resource (for example, how many threads) they want to allocate to an application.
9·Use capacity planning ahead of time to prepare your system to allocate additional resource instances when workload demands reach the threshold level.
10·Let's dive into an example of the settle of leadership choices that is simply about how much personal resource, capital and labor to allocate to be prepared for the long run.